N.E. McMorran

N.E. McMorran is a British-Cypriot award-winning autistic author, and designer, who previously worked at the BBC and taught in London nursery, primary and secondary schools. She founded and directed the Cyprus magazine publishing company AccessArts Publications Ltd and, more recently, founded the London based independent Spondylux Press run by autistic female and non-binary professionals to publish diverse, inclusive, own-voice books by neurodivergent creatives. The author's debut novel MOOJAG and the Auticode Secret, which won the Nautilus Award in 2021, was inspired by her experiences growing up in a neurodivergent family, as well as a mother and home educator, and the journey to late autism diagnosis. In 2021 she worked with Peter Street on his childhood biography, Goalkeeper: Memoir of Poet Peter Street.
Her second children's novel, the stand alone sequel to Auticode Secret, Lost Memories was released in Oct 2023. It has won the Firebird Award for Neurodivergent and Clifi stories. Order now from all good bookshops and online.

The inspiration behind Moojag's Gajoomstik and Pof characters

As a child she listened in awe to her parents’ made-up stories about giant animated rock candy, and greedy fairies who magic-up sweet treats. In her 30s, after moving to Cyprus, she decided to write a book based on their stories:'The Gajoomstiks' and 'Poof Poof'. She wrote a few pages, but life happened and she put it away. She became a mum and started telling her boy her own made-up stories. In 2013, with more time on her hands, she decided to start writing again and spent the next seven years working on Moojag whenever she could, teaching herself how to write fiction along the way, until she finally finished it in 2019!